fine-art photography
A little bit about me: I am a photo - artist based in Berlin, and I like capturing the ambience of the world around me through my abstract, simple-colored, and dream-like photographs. For me photography is like painting. Instead of a brush I use my camera. My main focus is on experimenting, not knowing what the outcome will be - I call it photographic painting. I have always had a strong interest in science/experiments that guided me through my degree in astrophysics.
I received my training in Vienna and in London, and my work has been shown in various exhibitions in London, Stockholm, Berlin and Austria.
Quote about my work by Wilhelm Huber: Wer genau hinsieht, kann in Mekuls Bildern entdecken, dass das Sichtbare in seiner prägnantesten Gestalt hervortritt, sobald es unscharf wird und dadurch Abstand und Umriss gewinnt.
Article in Austrian newspaper Der Standard about my exhibition 'Freundschatten'
Text by Anna Baar (winner of Grosser Staatspreis 2022) at the opening of my exhibition 'Science - the bigger picture' at seh.bühne in Austria 2017 (in German): Ex Vivo - Begleitsatz zur Ausstellung 'Science - the bigger picture' von Laurent Mekul
I have a little sausage dog. His name is Ballon and he is my little helper and mood booster. But enough about me, get in touch, so I can get to know you!